Will of David Boyle, 1854

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Will of David Boyle of Middlesex Twp., Butler Co. PA.
Dated 6 Apr 1854; filed 14 Feb 1856.

David Boyle of Butler County Middlesex Township knowing the uncertainty of this life and wishing to settle my worldly affairs, do in the following manor to...to my children Nancy, Margaret, and my son John I leave my land to them to sell and divide equally amongst themselves. They are to pay to Jane Cross fifty dollars to Mary Flick ...dollars. My movable property is to be kept on the farm for the use of the place to after my death one year then to be sold to pay my debts. John is to farm the place on the share? and he is to have the wagon after my death. Your mother is to have her share? of the place and to live with Nancy and Margaret is my wish. Margaret is to have her two cows. The land is to be sold all together for its worth be divided as all the grain...is on one side of the place. This is my last will and testament. David Boyle.
Witness: William M. Hays.

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